The FB EEF supporting Fletcher Building Dependant: Stella Fenwick

Dear Fletcher Building Management,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the incredible opportunity you've given me to embark on the journey of a lifetime aboard the Spirit of Adventure. This experience has truly been a dream come true. Learning to sail, seeing penguins and Swimming with dolphins was an experience beyond words. It's something I have always dreamt about doing.

This journey has been the opportunity to develop as a leader. This voyage has blessed me with the opportunity to form new friendships that are bound by the shared experiences and challenges we faced together. The challenges and responsibilities that come with life at sea have pushed me to grow in ways I never expected. I've learned the value of teamwork, adaptability, and decision-making under pressure - skills that will undoubtedly serve me well in all aspects of life.

I am deeply grateful for your generosity and for making this once-in-a-lifetime experience a reality. This experience has ignited a passion for adventure and personal growth that will continue to inspire me long after the journey ends. I will carry the memories and lessons from this adventure with me always. I am eager to return to the Spirit of Adventure next year, not as a participant but as a leader.

The growth and transformation I've experienced during this journey have inspired me to take on a role where I can give back and help others discover the same sense of adventure and personal development. Thank you for all you have done to help me achieve these wonderful experiences.


The EEF Supporting Fletcher Building Dependants: Heather Pracey


The EEF Supporting Fletcher Building Employee Sara Scott